I wish there were no such thing as the "knitting wars" but the large knitting database/social network which shall no longer be named by me instigated a hateful barrage of libel and slander toward anyone who knits and does not hate Donald Trump with a rabid, uncontrolled rage.
Enter the alternatives. For affordable and attractive patterns that put vile pink hats to shame, check out Deplorable Knitter on etsy. I have the Trump hat pattern already knit and just ordered the Choose Life hat pattern.
While the so-called SJWs harass nice people who just want to sell yarn or knit, I plan to support anyone who stands firm and refuses to grovel to their unreasonable demands that everyone must agree with them on everything non-knitting-related or else be branded a "hater." I am tired of the left redefining words on an hourly basis and adding new "offenses" and "triggers" daily. I refuse to participate in the destruction of the English language and of millennia of biology and faith by people who think reality/truth is optional.
Knit beauty and live truth!!