Sunday, November 23, 2014

Fun Crocheted Hats for a Friend

I crafted these hats by adapting patterns I found through Ravelry.  The doll hats are sized for American Girl-type dolls.  This was quick, relaxing crochet.

For more crochet fun, check out some of my articles on HubPages:

Teaching Children to Crochet

Easy Crocheted Socks

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Knits Men Want: A Book Review

Bruce confirms what I have often suspected about men and knits. As a mother of 3 sons and wife to a professor, I can say "amen" to his facts about knitting for men.  Men know what they like and are cool with wearing the same basic style for a lifetime.

While my girls would wear many of my experiments, the boys would refuse anything even remotely cute or scratchy or tight or loose or hot...

The patterns in the book are just the things real men will wear. I look forward to using them all.  

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Building with Blocks--for Knitters

I have never been disappointed by a Nicky Epstein book and Knitting Block by Block is no exception.  From basic blocks to framed blocks to colorwork, cables, and more, this book has more blocks than most knitters could ever use.  Chapters are organized by technique/style so knitters can go directly to their favorites. (I went straight to the Creative Colorwork chapter.)

Project instructions are included, so knitters can design their own garments and accessories by selecting some blocks and assembling them per Nicky’s instructions.  This is like a make-a-mix cookbook for knitters.

An especially convenient feature: color thumbnails of all the blocks at the back of the book.  Copy the pages, cut out the blocks, and try them out on the assembly diagrams in the instructions.  Nicky Epstein thinks of everything!

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Winter is a Great Reason to Knit

Why knit in the winter?  There are plenty of reasons besides the simple fact that it makes those cold, dreary days go by faster.

Knitting adds color
Gray skies and gray snow could get you down. Alternatively, you could get some colorful wool and knit striped socks in a riot of springtime colors. You could knit a bouquet of flowers on an intarsia sweater. You could even gather all your odds and ends to create patchwork afghan squares or use up small scraps in my Waste Not slip stitch scarf pattern.
Knitting adds warmth
Warm bodies and hearts by knitting some projects for charity. Whether you make lap robes for a convalescent center or hats for a homeless shelter, your efforts will show love to somebody who may need comfort. Spend those dark winter evenings indoors making a batch of warmth for those in need. Make sure your own family has a good supply of warm hats, mittens, and scarves, too.
Knitting also helps you keep your hands warm. Wooden needles stay warmer than aluminum needles, so use them for your winter knitting projects. Large projects such as sweaters and afghans will even keep your lap warm. Try to plan for making large projects in the winter rather than waiting till summer vacation's sweltering days.
Knitting adds life
While animals are hibernating and plants are dormant, your knitting is creating something that is growing and changing. Why wait until spring to bring new things "to life?" The calming, almost meditative rhythm of knitting is a perfect accompaniment while you daydream about planting your spring garden or filling your pool. Knitting may make the winter pass by so fast that you wish for an extra week or two for finishing a project!

Knitting Ideas: Divergent Scarves and Movie Fan Knitting